Look, Noise reduction, Look -16 noise reduction -16 – Kodak DCS Pro 14n User Manual

Page 108

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April 29, 2004

Setting up Cards, Folders, and Files


Look applies a tone scale adjustment to JPEG images and tags Raw images
for adjustment in the DCS Photo Desk software.
Look is not applied to Raw images on the camera. Rather, the information
is saved and applied when the images are processed in the DCS Photo Desk
software. (You can also change the setting in the DCS Photo Desk
Portrait—Lower contrast with more detail in highlights and shadows
Product—More contrast and higher levels of color saturation
Wedding—Product with neutral shadows
Event—High saturation with optimized skin tones

1. Choose Look from the Image menu, then highlight Portrait, Product,

Event, or Wedding.

2. Press the OK button.

Noise Reduction

Noise Reduction reduces noise that can occur when images are captured at
high ISO settings.
Noise Reduction is applied to JPEG images on the camera. It is not applied
to Raw images on the camera. Rather, the information is saved and applied
when the images are processed in the DCS Photo Desk software. (You can
also change the setting in the DCS Photo Desk software.)

1. Choose Noise Reduction from the Image menu, then highlight Normal

or Strong.

2. Press the OK button.
