Sorted pick lists, Actions that incur a cost, To submit a query to the internet – Palm VII User Manual

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Chapter 5

Page 131

In edit lines, you can select, cut, copy, and paste text as you do in

other applications on your organizer.

Sorted pick lists

In query applications, pick lists of words sorted alphabetically or
numbers sorted in ascending order work in the same way that Phone
Lookup works: if you write the first letter of a word, the list scrolls to
the first entry that begins with that letter. If you write the first two
letters, the list scrolls to the entry that starts with those two letters; and
so on, until the letters you write identify a unique entry.

For example, when you select a state from an alphabetical list of states,
writing “m” causes the list to scroll to and select Maine. If you then
write “o,” the list selects Montana and enters it in the field.

Actions that incur a cost

Tapping a command button or other object that displays the over-the-
air icon initiates a wireless transaction. Typically, you incur a cost
whenever you perform a wireless transaction. This cost takes the form
of either (1) a deduction from the kilobytes included in your monthly
plan or (2) if your monthly kilobytes have been used up, an additional
charge. Consult or the Palm.Net query
application for details on billing.

Simply reviewing the contents of a query application does not initiate
a wireless transaction and costs nothing.

To submit a query to the Internet:

1. Raise the antenna.

2. Tap the icon of the query application you want to open.

3. Follow the directions onscreen for specifying the information you

want from the Internet.

Some query applications need you to identify a location in or-
der to give you useful information. For example, query applica-
tions that report the weather or list movie theaters need to
know the location for which you want information. Such query
applications may ask you to specify the ZIP code of the location
you’re interested in.

Over-the-air icon
