Index, Symbols, Numerics – National Instruments NI 6238 User Manual

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© National Instruments Corporation


NI 6238/6239 User Manual



.NET languages documentation, xvii


10 MHz reference clock, 10-3
100 kHz Timebase, 10-2
20 MHz Timebase, 10-2
80 MHz source mode, 7-39
80 MHz Timebase, 10-2


A/D converter, 4-2
accessories, 2-4, A-3, A-6

choosing for your device, 1-2


circular-buffered, 4-11
double-buffered, 4-11
hardware-timed, 4-10
software-timed, 4-10

AI channels, sampling with AI Sample Clock

and AI Convert Clock, B-2

AI Convert Clock signal, 4-18
AI Convert Clock Timebase signal, 4-21
AI data acquisition methods, 4-10
AI FIFO, 4-2
AI Hold Complete Event signal, 4-21
AI Pause Trigger signal, 4-24
AI Reference Trigger signal, 4-22
AI Sample Clock signal, 4-15
AI Sample Clock Timebase signal, 4-17
AI Start Trigger signal, 4-21
AI timing signals, 4-12
ai/ConvertClock, 4-18
ai/ConvertClockTimebase, 4-21
ai/HoldCompleteEvent, 4-21

ai/PauseTrigger, 4-24
ai/ReferenceTrigger, 4-22
ai/SampleClock, 4-15
ai/SampleClockTimebase, 4-17
ai/StartTrigger, 4-21
analog input

analog-to-digital converter, 4-2
charge injection, B-1
circuitry, 4-1
crosstalk when sampling multiple

channels, B-1

data acquisition methods, 4-10
differential, troubleshooting, B-1
FIFO, 4-2
getting started with applications in

software, 4-25

ground-reference settings, 4-5
I/O connector, 4-1
instrumentation amplifier, 4-1
MUX, 4-1
NI-PGIA, 4-1
range, 4-2
sampling channels with AI Sample Clock

and AI Convert Clock, B-2

signals, 4-12
timing signals, 4-12
triggering, 4-11
troubleshooting, B-1

analog output

circuitry, 5-1
connecting current signals, 5-4
data generation methods, 5-2
getting started with applications in

software, 5-10

signals, 5-5
timing signals, 5-5
trigger signals, 5-4

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