Command summary – Western Telematic PLS-345 User Manual

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10. Command Summary

All PLS-345 commands conform to the following standards:


All commands normally begin with the "/" (foreword slash)

character. If you wish to temporarily suppress command

echo, use the "\" (backward slash) character instead of a

forward slash.


All command lines are invoked by pressing the [Enter] key.


Both the System Level Password and User Level Password

are case sensitive.

10.1. Display Commands

These commands are used to display the help screen, circuit

status and network status.


Display Help Screen

Displays a Help Screen (Figure 3.2), which lists all available

commands, along with a brief description of each command.
Command Format: /H [Enter]
Displays Command Help Screen, followed by the

PLS> command prompt.

Command Availability: System and User.


Display Circuit Status

Displays a status screen (Figure 3.1), which lists the currently

selected A/B line for each of the three circuits, and the selected

values for features such as the Command Echo and Inactivity

Command Format: /S [Enter]
Displays Circuit Status Screen, followed by the PLS>

command prompt.

Command Availability: System and User.

