Working with post-roll, Purpose, Activation and deactivation – EVS IPDirector Version 6.0 - November 2012 Part 6 User's Manual User Manual

Page 132: Display of the post-roll area

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1.6.14. Working with Post-Roll


The Post-Roll is the ability to play an element a few seconds after its defined OUT point,
as far as there is enough A/V material in the guardband.

The purpose of using Post-Roll is:

to provide a countdown until the OUT point of the playlist element through the
Remaining Time until Next Transition value to allow the operator to know when to
switch to another device, and

to continue the playout after the OUT point in order not to freeze before the operator
performs the transition from the playlist.

When activated, the Post-Roll runs every time the playlist stops, which means:

at the end of the playlist, except if the loop mode is activated and the start mode
option of the first element is set to Automatically.

every time the still mode option Stop on Last or Stop on Last, Wait, Jump on First
is set on an element.

See section "Define Still/Start Mode Window" on page 90 for more information on these


In case the still mode option Stop on Last, Wait, Jump on First is defined for
an element, the still mode timer is only triggered after the Post-Roll duration.

The playout of the playlist element continues after its OUT point for the Post-Roll duration
and then stops.

Activation and Deactivation

Display of the Post-Roll area

This Post-Roll area is displayed if this has been set under Tools > Settings > Playlist >
. The Post-Roll mode can be activated or deactivated through the Post-Roll
contextual menu or by double-clicking the Post-Roll area. This Post-Roll area indicates
whether a post roll is activated or not.

The Post-Roll mode can also be activated for the next transition only. In this case, the
option is automatically deactivated after the Post-Roll duration.

If it is activated, permanently or temporarily for the next transition only, the Post-Roll
duration is displayed in the Post-Roll area and the background of the zone is green.


1. Playlist Panel

EVS Broadcast Equipment S.A. - November 2012

Issue 6.00.B
