Crown Audio IQ-MSD Turbo Software User Manual

Page 179

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IQ–MSD Turbo 1.4 Advanced IQ System Software

Page 179

Relative: (Only available when a level function is selected.) Causes level functions to add or subtract from
existing levels rather than replacing them. When the Relative parameter is turned on, only the On Level is used.
When an input is “on”, the level for the associated function will go up or down the number of dB specified by the
On Level. When an input is “off”, the level for the associated function will go down the same number of dB.

On/Off Level: (Only available when a level function is selected.) The values entered are the levels the
function will use when the input is “on” and “off”, respectively.

Modify: Use the Modify button to change the selected assignment. Begin by selecting the command assignment
you want to modify. This is done by pressing


until the input command list is highlighted as shown in Figure 8.7

and using the Z Y or left mouse click ({)to select the desired command assignment from the list.

Fig. 8.7 Selecting an Existing Drone Command Assignment

Next, press the Modify button to summon the command assignment window (Figure 8.6). Make any changes you
want and then press the OK button.

Copy: Use the Copy button to duplicate the selected assignment. It can make repetitious command assignments
much easier to enter. The command assignment window will appear so you can make changes before the copied
command assignment is accepted.

Delete: Use the Delete button to remove the selected assignment. Begin by selecting the input assignment you
want to delete. Then press the Delete button.
