4 working with batches – YSI BOD Analyst Pro User Manual

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YSI BOD Analyst Pro


User Manual


The table on the Build Batch form describes the batch. Each row in the table is a Sample. Sample
Names appear in the first column. There are 5 columns for Sample dilutions and 2 columns for
Seed definition. Use the mouse or the arrow keys to move through the table. You typically define
Samples prior to building a batch. With a click or two of the mouse you can usually fill out a
Batch Table. If you need to change entries use your mouse or keyboard arrow keys to move to the
cell and make the change. More on building and editing batches follows.



There are two standard approaches that you may use to build a Batch. This assumes that Samples
and Groups were pre-configured. In addition Batches may be revised by adding/removing both
samples and bottles.

1. If the Choose Group field has the Group Name of the batch of samples you have already

defined, simply click on the Group Name to highlight it then double click that Group
Name and the Batch loads to the table.

2. If your Batch is not defined by a Group then go to the Choose Samples field. Click on the

first Sample Name to highlight it and then double click to move it to the Batch Table.
Proceed through the Choose Sample field and add other Samples to build your batch.

3. Regardless of how you move Samples into your batch check the information and verify

that it is correct and the order of the Samples listed is appropriate.

4. To change the order click on any Sample Name in the Choose Samples field and then use

the Move Up/Move Down arrows on the right of the table and move the Sample one
row up or down per command. Repeat this operation until you have the order you desire.

5. To edit dilutions use your mouse to highlight numbers in the table. Type in the changes

you desire. The maximum number of dilutions for a given Sample is Five (5).

6. Once you have the Batch the way you want it click on the OK button at the bottom of the

table to confirm. The Batch will be loaded into the Bench Sheet and will be ready for
Initial DO reads.


To remove a Sample from the Batch table highlight the Sample Name in the Choose Samples
field and then click on the Delete Sample button at the top of the table. The entire row for that
sample should disappear. Alternatively you may click on the Sample Name in the Build Batch
table. Although the name will not be highlighted, click the Delete Sample button and the Sample
row will be removed.


To remove all Samples from the Batch Table click the Clear Batch button at the top of the table.
This will give you a clean slate from which you can rebuild your batch. Alternatively you can
