Qphy-hdmi test configurations, Clock and data0 basic tests, Clock and data0 tests at all standard frequencies – Teledyne LeCroy QPHY-HDMI User Manual

Page 19: Data0 & data1 & data2 inter-pair skew (7-6), Demo of all tests

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QPHY-HDMI Operator’s Manual

QPHY-HDMI Test Configurations

Test configurations include variable settings, limit sets, and test selections. All utilize the Default
limit set. See

QPHY-HDMI Variables

for a description of each variable and its default value.

See the

QPHY-HDMI Limit Sets

for more information about the default test limits.

Clock and Data0 Basic Tests

This configuration runs all Clock and Data0 tests that can be run without changing cable.
Maximum device speed is 3 x 3.4 Gbps. Test 7-2 should run with lowest DUT supported
frequency. Tests 7-4 and 7-8 should run with highest DUT supported frequency.

These tests do not require the use of the “FindScale” variable to increase precision. Change the
variable “TMDS Data pair to test” to Data1 and Data2.

Clock and Data0 Tests at All Standard Frequencies

This configuration runs all Clock and Data0 tests that can be run without changing cable
connections at all frequencies. Maximum device speed is 3 x 3.4 Gbps. Tests 7-7 should run
with highest DUT supported frequency. Tests 7-9 and 7-10 are configured to run at all DUT
standard frequencies (27 MHz, 74.25 MHz, 148.5 MHz, and 222.75 MHz).

These tests require the use of the “FindScale” variable to increase precision. Change the
variable ‘TMDS Data pair to test” to Data1 and Data2.

Data0 & Data1 & Data2 Inter-Pair Skew (7-6)

This configuration runs the Data Inter-Pair Skew (7-6) tests for all data lane combinations (D0-
D1, D0-D2, D1-D2). Maximum device speed is 3 x 3.4 Gbps. The tests require several cable
connections and disconnections. Test 7-6 should run with highest DUT supported frequency.

Clock and Data0 Tests at Custom Frequency (340 MHz)

This configuration runs Clock Jitter and Eye Diagram tests (7-9 and 7-10) on Clock and Data0 at
a custom frequency (340 MHz). Maximum device speed is 3 x 3.4 Gbps. This combination is
useful when highest DUT supported frequency is not a standard frequency.

You can test other custom frequencies using the variable “DUT TMDS Clock Alternate
Frequencies” in groups 7-9 and 7-10. Change the variable “TMDS Data pair to test” to Data1
and Data2.

Demo of All Tests

This configuration runs all the tests in index order using stored waveforms in D:\HDMI\Demo
and the Default limit set. This configuration is meant to easily demonstrate the QPHY-HDMI
capabilities when live signals cannot be tested. You will see dialogs and connection diagrams
similar to what you would see during an actual test.

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