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InstallatIon InstructIons

Things you should be aware of:

• before installing rainbank



read all instructions carefully as

failures caused by incorrect

installation are not covered under


• rainbank


is designed to handle

clean water and should not be used

for any other purpose without specific

referral to Davey. the use of



to pump flammable,

corrosive or other materials of a

hazardous nature will damage the

system and void the warranty.

• the pumping of abrasive materials

will damage the system and void the


• Water freezing inside the rainbank


will damage the unit. locate your



and pump so that they are

not susceptible to freezing.

• some insects such as small ants find

electrical devices attractive for

various reasons. If your controller or

pump is susceptible to insect

infestation you should implement a

suitable pest control plan.

limit mains water pressure to


• an inline ‘Y’ strainer between the

pump and the rainbank


controller is

recommended to stop foreign matter

entering the unit and damaging it.

• all pipe work and fittings should be

labelled in accordance with local

standards such as australian

standard as/nZs 3500. this standard

requires that all pipework containing

rainwater is marked with green

‘rainwater’ tape or stickers at 1

meter intervals and every outlet that

may deliver rainwater is to be

permanently signed with ‘rain Water’

signage or a green tap marked ‘rW’.

• ensure all wiring, plumbing and the



unit are protected from

access by pets and/or children.

• Mains electrical connections and

checks must be made by a qualified

electrician and comply with applicable

local standards. the 5 volt float lead

connections need not be carried out

by a qualified electrician, but should

be done in compliance with applicable


• In accordance with as/nZs

60335.2.41 we are obliged to inform

you that this controller and any pump

controlled by it is not to be used by

children or infirm persons and must

not be used as a toy by children.

Type 1 installations. Above ground

tank and pump outside tank.

1. remove the priming plug on the

top of the pump and fill the casing

and suction line with water then refit

plug. If there is an isolation valve

fitted on the delivery pipe from the

rainwater tank (as recommended) this

needs to be opened.

If there is an air lock i.e. the pipe and

pump casing is not fully filled with water,

the pump may not draw water. If this is

the case you should repeat the priming

procedure. If the pump still does not draw

properly this may be a fault in the way

the delivery pipe is installed. the pump

should be slightly higher than the pipe

inlet and this should run up hill to the

pump at a slight but consistent slope so

that any air is expelled at the pump end as

the pump is primed.

2. hold down ‘manual override’ button

on the rainbank to operate pump to

clear trapped air. Make sure an outlet

(tap) is open so that air and water can be

dispelled. Make sure the mains water is

turned off until the pump is fully primed.


leaky joins can also cause a loss of


note: the pump must be below the float


Type 2 and 3 installations.

Submersible pumps inside tank.

provided the pump is sitting in sufficient

water the pump will self prime and push

air out of the taps and appliances that are

used at the other end. to let this air out

without causing damage it is important


• all taps connected to the rainwater

system are turned on

• toilets connected to the system are

flushed so the cistern fills and any air

is cleared from the line.

prIMIng puMps


This manual is related to the following products: