H.264, Hardware device, Host – Milestone XProtect Go 2014 User Manual

Page 205: Hotspot, I-frame, Image server, Ip address, Ipix

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Milestone XProtect


Go 2014

Administrator's Manual



Glossary of Terms



A standard for compressing and
decompressing video data (a codec). H.264 is
a codec that compresses video more
effectively than older codecs, and it provides
more flexibility for use in a variety of network

Hardware device

When you add a digital camera to your system,
you are not adding the camera itself only, but
rather hardware devices. Hardware devices
have their own IP addresses or host names.
Being IP-based, your system primarily
identifies units based on their IP addresses or
host names.

Even though each hardware device has its
own IP address or host name, you can attach
several cameras, microphones and speakers
to a single hardware device and share the
same IP address or host name. This is
typically the case with cameras attached to
video encoder devices.

You can configure each camera, microphone
and similar channels on the hardware device
individually, even when several of them are
attached to a single hardware device.


A computer connected to a TCP/IP network. A
host has its own IP address, but may

depending on network configuration


have a host name to make it easily


Particular position for viewing enlarged and/or
high quality video in the Smart Client.



Input/Output: refers to the communication
between a computer and a person. Inputs are
the signals or data received by the system and
outputs are the signals or data sent from it.


Short name for intra-frame. Used in the MPEG
standard for digital video compression. An I-
frame is a single frame stored at specified
intervals. The I-frame records the entire view
of the camera, whereas the frames that follow
(P-frames) record only the pixels that change.
This helps greatly reduce the size of MPEG
files. An I-frame is similar to a keyframe.

Image Server

A service that handles access to XProtect Go
for remote users logging in with Smart Client
The Image Server service does not require
separate hardware as it runs in the
background on the XProtect Go server. The
Image Server service is not configured
separately as it is configured through XProtect
Go 's Management Application.


Internet Protocol

—protocol (or standard)

specifying the format and addressing scheme
used for sending data packets across
networks. IP is often combined with another
protocol, TCP. The combination, known as
TCP/IP, allows data packets to be sent back
and forth between two points on a network for
longer periods of time and is used when
connecting computers and other devices on
the internet.

IP address

Internet Protocol address. The identifier for a
computer or device on a network. It is used by
the TCP/IP protocol for routing data traffic to
the intended destination. An IP address
consists of four numbers, each between 0 and
256, separated by periods (example:

