Kenwood TS-590S User Manual

Page 4

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3. Outline

3.1. Overall Configuration

Fig. 3.1.1: Example of internal LAN configuration

(In this diagram, the modem, router, and hub have been omitted.)

As shown in the diagram, the configuration uses a host station (where the transceiver is
installed; this is called the "transmitter" in the Radio Act) and a remote station (which
performs the remote operations; this is called the "operator" in the Radio Act). A PC is
connected to both, and the PCs are connected to each other via the network.

The transceiver connected to the PC to which the ARHP-590 has been installed on the
host station is operated using the ARCP-590, which has been installed on the remote
station PC. Furthermore, transmitted and received audio for the transceiver on the host
station can be transmitted using the mike and speaker connected to the PC sound device
on the remote station. (See Note.)

Note: To transmit and receive audio, separate VoIP software is required.

Remote station

Host station

