MagTek Bluetooth MagneSafe V5 Swipe Reader User Manual

Page 17

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Section 3. Operation


Examples of Host/Application/Reader interaction and state transitions:

Example 1 – Power Up followed by Authentication and good swipe:

1. Reader Powers Up (State = WaitActAuth:PU). The application should send

the Get Reader State Command to discover the current state of the reader.

2. Host sends valid Activate Authenticated Mode command (State =>

WaitActRply:PU). Reader responds with RC = 0x00 inferring the transition
to the WaitActRply:PU state.

3. Host sends valid Activation Challenge Reply command (State =>

WaitSwipe:PU). Reader responds with RC = 0x00 inferring the transition to
the WaitSwipe:PU state.

4. User Swipes a card correctly (State => WaitActAuth:GoodSwipe). Reader

sends the card data to the Host inferring the transition to the
WaitActAuth:GoodSwipe state.

Example 2 – Reader times out waiting for swipe:

1. Reader waiting (State = WaitActAuth:GoodSwipe). This is after a good

swipe. The application may send the Get Reader State Command to discover
the current state of the reader.

2. Host sends valid Activate Authenticated Mode command (State =>

WaitActRply:GoodSwipe). Reader responds with RC = 0x00 inferring the
transition to the WaitActRply:GoodSwipe state.

3. Host sends valid Activation Challenge Reply command (State =>

WaitSwipe:GoodSwipe). Reader responds with RC = 0x00 inferring the
transition to the WaitSwipe:GoodSwipe state.

4. Timer expires (State => WaitActAuth:TOSwipe). Reader sends “card data” to

the Host with no data, just a report about the Time Out (see


Encryption Status

); the Host infers the transition to WaitActAuth:TOSwipe


Example 3 – Host sends invalid Activation Challenge Reply command:

1. Reader Waiting (State = WaitActAuth:GoodSwipe). This is after a good

swipe. Application may send the Get Reader State Command to discover the
current state of the reader.

2. Host sends valid Activate Authenticated Mode command (State =>

WaitActRply:GoodSwipe). Reader responds with RC=0x00 inferring the
transition to the WaitActRply:GoodSwipe state.

3. Host sends invalid Activation Challenge Reply command (State =>

WaitActAuth:FailAuth). Reader responds with RC = 0x02 or 0x04 inferring
the transition to the WaitActAuth:FailAuth state.
