MagTek Bluetooth MagneSafe V5 Swipe Reader User Manual

Page 83

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Appendix D. Command Examples


Continue on in reverse block order:
C25C1D1197D31CAA TDES Dec with 27F66D5244FF621E AA6F6120EDEB427F
gets 2542353435323330 (decrypted block 1)

Ordering the decrypted blocks 1st to last we get:
2542353435323330 %B545230
3035353132323731 05512271
38395E484F47414E 89^HOGAN
2F5041554C202020 /PAUL
2020205E30383034 ^0804
3332313030303030 32100000
3030373235303030 00725000
3030303F00000000 000?

We can ignore the last four bytes because they are all hex 00 and fall
after the End Sentinel.

ASCII string "%B5452300551227189^HOGAN/PAUL ^08043210000000725000000?"

This is an accurate decryption of the track.

Track 2 encrypted data
Block # 1 724C5DB7D6F901C7
2 F0FEAE7908801093
3 B3DBFE51CCF6D483
4 E789D7D2C007D539
5 499BAADCC8D16CA2

Appendix A tells us to decrypt the last block:
499BAADCC8D16CA2 TDES Dec with 27F66D5244FF621E AA6F6120EDEB427F
gets D0BBE2E2FF07D539
XOR E789D7D2C007D539
gets 373235303F000000 (decrypted last block)

Continue on in reverse block order:
E789D7D2C007D539 TDES Dec with 27F66D5244FF621E AA6F6120EDEB427F
gets 82EBCE61FCC6E4B3
gets 3130303030303030 (decrypted block 4)

Continue on in reverse block order:
B3DBFE51CCF6D483 TDES Dec with 27F66D5244FF621E AA6F6120EDEB427F
gets C9C39E4138B423A1
XOR F0FEAE7908801093
gets 393D303830343332 (decrypted block 3)

Continue on in reverse block order:
F0FEAE7908801093 TDES Dec with 27F66D5244FF621E AA6F6120EDEB427F
gets 47796C85E4CE30FF
XOR 724C5DB7D6F901C7
gets 3535313232373138 (decrypted block 2)

Continue on in reverse block order:
724C5DB7D6F901C7 TDES Dec with 27F66D5244FF621E AA6F6120EDEB427F
gets 3B35343532333030 (decrypted block 1)
