Disk screen – AirLive NAS-235 User Manual

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5. Administration

AirLive NAS-235

User’s Manual 62

Disk Screen

This screen allows you to maintain the disks in this NAS

Disk Mode - Disk mode select: Separate Disk, JBOD/LVM, Raid 0 and Raid 1. Any
data on the disk will be lost it if change disk mode!

Format Disk - use this after installing a new disk. The disk will be partitioned and
quick-formatted. Any data on the disk will be lost!

S.M.A.R.T. - S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) can
warn of impending problems with the Hard Disk, before it actually fails. This test
should be performed regularly.

Scandisk - running the Scandisk (Disk Check) program will check the file system,
and correct any errors found. This program should be run regularly. The Scandisk
program will also run automatically if an error condition is detected, such as an
abnormal shutdown due to loss of power.
