Disassembly, Assembly – Viking Pump TSM312: G-N 32/432 User Manual

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DaNgER !

Before opening any Viking pump liquid

chamber (pumping chamber, reservoir,

relief valve adjusting cap fitting, etc.)

Be sure:
1. That any pressure in the chamber has

been completely vented through the

suction or discharge lines or other

appropriate openings or connections.

2. That the driving means (motor,

turbine, engine, etc.) has been “locked

out” or made non-operational so that

it cannot be started while work is

being done on pump.

3. That you know what liquid the

pump has been handling and the

precautions necessary to safely

handle the liquid. Obtain a material

safety data sheet (MSDS) for the

liquid to be sure these precautions

are understood.

Failure to follow above listed

precautionary measures may result in

serious injury or death.


1. Refer to figures 5 through 12 for name of parts.
2. Mark head and casing before disassembly to insure

proper reassembly. The idler pin, which is offset in pump

head, must be positioned toward and equal distance

between port connections to allow for proper flow of

liquid through pump.

3. Remove the head capscrews.

NOTE: The four valve capscrews, valve and gasket

must be removed from the G models before the six head

capscrews are removed.

4. Do not allow idler to fall from idler pin. Tilt top of head

back when removing to prevent this. Remove head from

pump. Avoid damaging head gasket set, all gaskets are

required to maintain end clearance.

5. Remove idler and bushing assembly. If idler bushing

needs replacing, refer to


gRaPHITE BUSHINgS, page 8.
Remove the packing gland, packing and packing retainer

If you have a mechanical seal pump, remove the end

cap and the mechanical seal is exposed. For K and L

432, consult factory.
Remove the mechanical seal by sliding off the end of

the shaft. Loosen the setscrew in the set collar and

remove it.

1. Install bushing into casing or rotor bearing sleeve. If

bushing has a lubrication groove, install bushing with

groove at 12:00 o’clock position in bracket. If carbon



gRaPHITE BUSHINgS, page 8.

2. Thrust washers used in Q, M and N size pumps should

be assembled on the rotor hub and rotor bearing sleeve.

Put the plain washer on the two locating pins on the rotor

hub. Put the grooved face washer on the pins on the

rotor bearing sleeve with the grooved face toward the


3. Coat shaft of rotor shaft assembly with non-detergent

SAE 30 weight oil. Start end of shaft in bracket bushing

turning from right to left, slowly pushing rotor into


4. Place the head gaskets on the head. The proper amount

of gaskets should be used to provide the necessary

end clearance within the pump so it turns freely with

no appreciable end play. The Gasket Table

(Figure 13)

gives the normal amount of gaskets used on each pump.

5. Coat idler pin with non-detergent SAE 30 weight oil and

place idler and bushing on idler pin in head. If replacing

carbon graphite bushing,

refer to INSTaLLaTION OF


6. The head can now be assembled on the pump. Tilt the

top of the head away from the pump slightly until the

crescent enters the inside diameter of the rotor and rotate

the idler until its teeth mesh with the rotor teeth. Do not

damage the head gaskets. Tighten the head capscrews

or nuts and then check the end clearance. If the pump

shaft cannot be rotated, more gaskets must be added. If,

however, the pump has any noticeable end play, remove

enough gaskets so the pump has no appreciable end

play but still turns freely.

CAUTION: Older pumps may have snap ring on shaft-

remove the snap ring before removing rotor and shaft.

Carefully remove the rotor and shaft from the pump to avoid

damaging the casing or rotor bearing sleeve bushing.
THRUST WASHERS: Rotor thrust washer and rotor bearing

sleeve thrust washer used in Q, M and N size pumps should

be removed, examined for excessive wear and replaced if

necessary. These thrust washers are located on the hub of

the rotor and the casing end of rotor bearing sleeve.

If it is necessary to replace the bushing in the casing, rotor

bearing sleeve or idler and/or repack the pump, remove the

old packing and lantern ring and packing retainer washer. G-

LQ pumps don’t have a lantern ring.
Clean all parts thoroughly and examine for wear and/or

damage. Check bushings, and idler pin and replace if

necessary. Check all other parts for nicks, burrs, excessive

wear and replace if necessary.
