Bio-Rad Components for Older Model Spot Cutter User Manual

Page 18

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Check to see which of the following scenarios is closest to how yours appeared.

5. Select Calibration from the Operation Menu, then select Manual Calibration.

6. Enter the Serial Number. Change the number as indicated by the needed movement for

the cutting tip.


Scenario 1:


The Y Offset needs to be increased.


Once spot #1 is parallel to the bottom line, check to see if spot #2 is parallel to the
top line. Increase or decrease PPY depending on whether the second spot is above
or below the top line.


Once spot #2 is parallel with the top line, check to see if spot #1 is still parallel to
the bottom line. It it is, go to the next step.

Scenario 2:


The PPY needs to be decreased.


Continue decreasing the PPY until it looks like Scenario 1.


Continue with Scenario 1

Scenario 3:


The PPY needs to be increased.


Continue increasing the PPY until spot #2 is approximately the same distance above
the top line as spot #1 is above the bottom line.


The Y Offset will then need to be decreased.

