Bio-Rad Components for Older Model Spot Cutter User Manual

Page 11

background image

In the small, full image in the upper right hand corner of this screen, move the blue box

within the small image to an area that needs the most enhancement. Use the 3x3 example
boxes to choose the best image for "Exposure" and "Brightness/Contrast". Choose Apply to
set the new parameters to the entire image. When satisfied with the image enhancement,
choose Done.

3.5 Saving an Image

To save the image, select File, Save As. The file must be saved as a Bit Map picture format.

Click on the button in the Save File as Type list box. This displays a drop down list from
which a (*.bmp) file should be selected. Select the directory and folder you want to save the
image in. This should be on your C: drive as it needs to be accessible to the SpotOn software.

To select file name, click on the File Name text field, then the file name can be typed in.

Make sure the name has a .bmp extension on the file name. Click on the "OK" button to save
the image. Once the image has been saved, exit the Photo Enhancer software. This will return
back to the SpotOn software that was running in the background.

3.6 Erasing Picture Memory

The DC120 camera has a memory chip that holds pictures as they are acquired. These files

need to be periodically deleted from the camera. Erasing these pictures does not effect the
saved images on the computer. The camera memory holds about 20 images.

To delete pictures, go to the Camera Functions screen and select the "Erase Pictures"

option. This will bring up a screen with the file names of the pictures existing in the camera
memory. Select the pictures to be deleted (usually all) by clicking on the first file name, hold
the shift key, and click on the last file name. All the files should now be highlighted. Select
"Add to List" which will produce a list in the right hand box of all the files that will be erased.
Click "OK" to erase. A confirmation box will come up, click "OK". A processing bar will
appear showing the status of the deleting files. The process will take ~5 minutes to delete 20
files. When it is finished, click on "Close" to return to the Camera Functions box.

Section 4
Selecting and Cutting Spots

4.1 Opening an Image File Format

To open an image file in the Spot On screen, select File; Open Image File.

Alternatively, this may be done by clicking on the Open Image File shortcut button located

below the menu bar. (see Appendix D)

This will generate the Open window, which will display a list of files. Select the

appropriate folder and open the image by either a double left mouse click on the file name, or
a single left click on the file name followed by a click on the "Open" button.

The new project number window will be displayed. To move between text fields and

enable typing of text, you must click on the required text field. Entering a project number and
Gel/PVDF number is optional.

4.2 Using the Zoom Window

Left clicking on any position on the gel image will display the selected area in the zoom

window at the top right hand corner of the screen. The position's x-y pixel coordinates will be
displayed below this zoom window.

