Bio-Rad Components for Older Model Spot Cutter User Manual

Page 15

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time. This is normal wear and replacement mats are available from Bio-Rad. Order catalog
number 165-7021.

5.2 Cutting Surface

Gels and membranes should be cut on the excision mat to provide the correct backing

for the excision tip. The overall surface dimensions are 178mm x 180mm, however, the
recommended excision area size is 11.8 x 8.8 cm due to the area that can be imaged with the
camera. Clean the cutting surface regularly with mild detergent and water. Clean water off the
cutting platform and the base after use.

5.3 Gel Sizer and Frames for 2-D Gels

In order to facilitate cutting a larger gel down to the size that can be imaged on the spot

cutter, two sizes of gel sizers and holding frames are provided with the system: a 11.8 x 8.8 cm
Large Gel "quadrant size, and a 9.5 x 7 cm mini gel size.

5.4 Microtiter Plate (MTP) Holder

The MTP holder is to the immediate right of the cutting surface. To insert a microtiter plate

(MTP) into the holder, hold the plate at a slight angle, push the corner of the microtiter plate
corresponding to position H12 against the positioning pin located at the bottom left hand
corner of the MTP holder. Once the positioning pin has been pushed in slightly, the microtiter
plate can be pushed down into the holder. The positioning pin is spring loaded and will hold
the plate in place.

As viewed on the surface of the Spot cutter the software allocates the microtiter plate

well positions as follows -

The system accepts any standard microtiter plate. Polypropylene plates are recommended

for protein processing. Corning and Grainer brand plates have been tested and work well in
this system. Use "U" or "V" well bottoms for best recovery.

