Capturing images for multicolor merge – Bio-Rad ZOE™ Fluorescent Cell Imager User Manual

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ZOE Fluorescent Cell Imager Instruction Manual

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Capturing Images for Multicolor Merge

Using the ZOE Fluorescent Cell Imager’s onboard software, images from up to four channels
can be overlaid into a multicolor image merge. When capturing images that will be overlaid into
a merge, all images should come from the same area of the sample and care should be taken
not to inadvertently swipe the screen and move the stage. All images used in a merge must be
of the same magnification. Use the scale bar displayed in the lower right corner of the screen
during image capture (Figure 8) as a guide.

Note: Images of different magnification can not be overlaid; an error message will be displayed.

To capture images for a multicolor merge:
1. Go to Live mode.
2. Turn on the light source you wish to use.
3. Adjust settings in Edit if desired and tap Capture.
4. The active mode switches to the Gallery mode and the just-captured image is displayed.

If satisfied with the image, tap Select for merge (Figure 16A) in the upper right corner
of the screen. The selected image is uploaded into the Merge mode. The merge selection
indicator is automatically updated to show all colors that are currently selected
(Figure 16B).

5. Return to the Live mode and repeat steps 3 and 4 for the remaining channels that you wish

to use in the merge.

6. Go to the Merge mode where all selected images are automatically overlaid (see section

Merge mode for more details).

7. Optimize brightness and contrast in Edit if desired. Tap Save to save the merge as a single-

image file that can be accessed in the Merge folder in Gallery mode. From there it can be
exported to a USB key along with the underlying single-color image files.

Note: Only one image per color channel can be used. To replace a selected image with a
new one, tap the Select for merge control in the new image. This automatically overwrites the
previous selection in that color. To clear all previous merge selections tap the Clear control.
