Calls to action – Google YouTube Creator Playbook Guide Version 2 User Manual

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Videos should have a CTA for the viewer to subscribe to your



Give them reasons to subscribe: more great videos every week,

never miss an episode, etc.


Like / Add to Favorites / Share


Asking viewers to ‘like’, ‘favorite’ or share the video, helps it appear

more places across the site.


‘Likes’ and ‘favorites’ from your viewers get broadcast out to their

community, which draws new viewers to your video.


Viewers sharing your video on social media broadcasts it to all their

friends and followers.

Watching content online is an interactive and social experience and content creators rely on the actions of
their audience to help them succeed - but the many viewers won’t act unless you prompt them.
Videos you produce and publish should have specific Calls to Action (CTA). Depending on the message, you
can use the beginning, middle and end of the video to direct the actions of your viewers. CTAs should be
minimal and simple. Too many prompts can cause confusion. The goal is to make it as easy as possible for
viewers to perform an action

Calls to Action

Visit Your Channel or Watch More Videos


Encourage the viewer to watch more content and direct them how to

do it.


Tell people about your channel and everything that it has to offer.


Invite viewers to watch another video or the next episode in a




Ask your viewers questions about the video and encourage them to

leave a comment.


Asking a specific question or an ‘A vs. B’ choice will increase the


Important Actions to Direct Your Viewers to Take on YouTube

Programming & Producing

Remember that it is a violation of YouTube Terms of Service and
Community Guidelines to incentivize clicks on video features in any
way (i.e. give-aways or prizes for liking or favoriting a video)

These prompts are a great way to guide the
conversation that will take place in the comments.
