Regular schedule & frequency – Google YouTube Creator Playbook Guide Version 2 User Manual

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Set a Schedule


Release videos on a set day of the week, if possible. Releasing

videos on a recurring schedule helps build a structure to your
channel that an audience can rely on. It can be easier to retain
audiences and keep them coming back to your channel when they
know when new episodes will be coming out.


Support programming with a schedule. If you have varying types of

videos on your channel or multiple shows in one place, use a set
schedule for each type of series to act as programming for your
channels’ various offerings.


Timely Publishing


‘React’ to trending topics with relevant content when it makes sense

for your audience. Don’t be too locked into your schedule. Timing is
important in online video and being part of what’s going viral, rising
search trends, or breaking news can be critical for certain content.
News and politics, sports, commentary, and opinion content can
thrive on topicality.


Adding this reactive and timely supplemental content to your regular

programming can help your channel find new audiences.

Some of the same trends and viewer interests that drive television
viewership are applicable to the web. Regular release schedules,
programming, and timely publishing are all important in online video.

Regular Schedule & Frequency

Programming & Producing

Use YouTube’s scheduled publishing
feature to build your schedule.
