6 - troubleshooting and maintenance, Introduction, Hard faults – Rockwell Automation 1395 Discrete Adapter, Rev 3.XX-8.XX User Manual

Page 32: Soft faults, Warning faults, Troubleshooting and maintenance

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Troubleshooting and Maintenance


This section describes the Discrete adapter board fault diagnostics and how
they are processed by the 1395 Drive.

All Adapters provide initial fault handling based on conditions within their
environment, and then signal the 1395 which provides further disposition
based on system requirements. Faults are divided into three categories as
described below.

Hard Faults

Hard Faults are non-recoverable. That is, the 1395 Drive must either be
RESET or POWER-CYCLED in order to clear the faulted condition. An
Adapter Board transmits a fault to the 1395 Main Computer Board through
the Dual-Port Ram as explained in the 1395 Instruction Manual. A Hard
Fault in an Adapter is designed to create an ECOAST stop.

Soft Faults

Soft Faults occur when an Adapter detects a condition which may result in
undesirable operation. The Adapter takes appropriate action within it’s
domain to guard against further operation and signals the condition to the
1395 Drive. In addition, the fault may be cleared and normal operation
resumed at the point the fault occurred.

Warning Faults

Conditions detected within the system that may produce Soft Faults if the
condition is allowed to persist
