Choosing the sensor location, Dealing with slopes and berms, Optimal bisensor placement for slopes and berms – Baseline Systems BaseStation 3200 User Manual

Page 13: Burying the bisensor

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BaseStation 3200 Advanced Irrigation Controller Manual

Choosing the Sensor Location

You will achieve the best results by locating the biSensor in an area that is average for the zone and ideally for the

entire scheduling group. Avoid the following areas:

• Drainage areas where irrigation or rainwater pools or is channeled
• Areas immediately around hardscapes or that receive runoff water from hardscapes or buildings
As long as the location of the sensor is average for the zone, you should achieve excellent water efficiency.

Dealing with Slopes and Berms

Steep slopes and berms are possibly the most difficult landscape areas to irrigate efficiently. The main issue is

runoff, but often subsurface drainage issues result in low areas that get soaking wet and high areas that are bone

dry. When a berm is constructed, the central mass is typically compacted, which can also cause water movement

and drainage issues.

Soil moisture sensors are an excellent tool to optimize watering for slopes and berms because the sensor can

detect how much irrigation water is actually infiltrating the upper levels of the slope or berm.

Take care when you set the soak and cycle times for slopes and berms – for some slopes, you might need to break

the total run time into five or more cycles.

Optimal biSensor Placement for Slopes and Berms

If the slope or berm is irrigated as a part of a larger zone that is mostly level, Baseline recommends that you place

the sensor in the larger level area. However, for most efficient results, set up separate zones to water the top,

middle, and bottom of slopes and berms.

Burying the biSensor

Install the biSensor according to the installation instructions that are included with it. When installing a biSensor in

an established landscape, avoid disturbing the surrounding soil in order to reduce the chance that adjustments will

be needed later.

In general, you should install the biSensors in the top 1/3 of the root zone for the plant that is being irrigated. In

the case of turf grass, the top of the sensor blade should be 2 inches to 3 inches from the bottom of the thatch


Note: Burying the moisture sensor too deep can cause poor results. If the sensor is deeper than the top 1/3 of the

root zone, these roots can become too dry and the plants may become stressed.


