6 flight plan – AvMap GeoPilot II Plus User Manual

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6 flIGhT PlAn

> ‘MENU’ 1 sec + “FLIGHT PLAN” + ‘ENT’

The Flight Plan mode allows you to create a Flight Plan with User Points, Temporary Waypoints

or Jeppesen object as Waypoints. Flight Plans can be entered on the Moving Map (see Par. 3.5)

or in the Flight Plan Menu if all Waypoints are known objects. The Geopilot II Plus can store up

to 15 Flight Plans with up to 100 individual legs each. Additional Flight Plans can be stored in the

Compact Flash entering File Manager (Database).

The Flight Plan Menu page provides the BRG, DST, ETA and Fuel data for the active/viewed Flight

Plan. By using the left/right cursor key it is possible to change the table columns displayed, choosing

between BRG, DST, ETA and DST, ETA, Fuel.

The Flight Plan Menu is where you can edit, view and activate Flight Plans. To open the Flight Plan

Menu press ‘MENU’ from the Flight Plan page.

Fig. 6 - Flight Plan page with Flight Plan menu box open

See section 3.4.6 regarding Flight Plan creation from the moving map page.

6.1 vIeWed flIGhT PlAn

When you enter the Flight Plan Page, the information appearing on the screen is for the current

“Viewed” Flight Plan. The Flight Plan name will appear at the top of the page. All actions within the

Flight Plan menu are related to the currently “Viewed” Flight Plan.

To select the Flight Plan to view:

> ‘MENU’ 1 sec. + “FLIGHT PLAN” + ‘ENT’ + ‘MENU’ + “VIEWED FP” + ‘ENT’

Using the cursor key, select the Flight Plan desired for viewing/activating/editing.

The “Viewed” Flight Plan will display on the Moving Map. Select an Empty Flight Plan if you do not

want a Flight Plan to display on the Moving Map. In addition, the viewed Flight Plan can be selected

from the Moving Map Menu. (See Sec. 3.5.1.)

6.2 CreATInG A flIGhT PlAn from The dATAbASe

> ‘MENU’ 1 sec. + “FLIGHT PLAN” + ‘ENT’ + ‘MENU’
