Mocomtech CIM-550 User Manual
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Rev 2 CiM-550
- Errata A
- Errata B
- Customer Support
- Table of Contents
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Installation
- 3 Operation
- 4 Front Panel Menus
- 5 Serial Remote Control
- 6 Theory of Operation
- 7 Forward Error Correction Options
- 9 Eb/No Measurement
- 10 Connector Pinouts
- 11 CLI and Telnet Interface
- 12 Web Server Pages
- 13 SNMP Interface
- SNMP Interface
- Private MIB Implementations
- CIM IP Controller Private MIB
- CiM 550 Private MIB
- CiM IP Controller MIB Tree:
- CiM IP Controller MIB
- cimController
- cimControllerIdentity
- cimAdministration
- cimMibVersion
- cimNamePasswordConfig
- cimAdminName
- cimAdminPassword
- cimReadWriteName
- cimReadWritePassword
- cimReadOnlyName
- cimReadOnlyPassword
- cimAccessLists
- cimAccessIpAddress1
- cimAccessSubnetMaskLen1
- cimAccessIpAddress2
- cimAccessSubnetMaskLen2
- cimAccessIpAddress3
- cimAccessSubnetMaskLen3
- cimAccessIpAddress4
- cimAccessSubnetMask4
- cimAccessListEnforcement
- cimFeaturesAvailability
- cimDatagramCompressionOption
- cimNaptOption
- cimQosOption
- cimTcpAccelerationOption
- cimTransparentBridgeOption
- cimEncryptionOption
- cimIgmpOption
- cimHeaderCompressionOption
- cimFeaturesConfig
- cimMidasFeature
- cimTelnetFeature
- cimPingResponseFeature
- cimDownlinkMulticastRoutingFeature
- cimDatagramCompressionOpt
- cimNaptOpt
- cimQosOpt
- cimTcpAccelerationOpt
- cimTransparenetBridgeOpt
- cimTransmitDesEncryptionOpt
- cimReceiveDesEncryptionOpt
- cimIgmpOpt
- cimHeaderCompressionOpt
- cimDesEncryptConfig
- cimTransmitEncryptEnabled
- cimReceiveDecryptEnabled
- cimTransmitKey1
- cimTransmitKey2
- cimReceiveKey1
- cimReceiveKey2
- cimSmtp
- cimSmtpServerIpAddress
- cimSmtpDomain
- cimSmtpDestinationName
- cimSnmp
- cimSnmpTrapDestinationIpAddress
- cimSnmpTrapCommunity
- cimSnmpTrapVersion
- cimSnmpAuthenticationFailureCommunity
- cimSnmpAuthenticationFailureAddress
- cimInterfaces
- cimEthernetInterface
- cimEthernetMacAddress
- cimEthernetSpeed
- cimEthernetIpAddress
- cimEthernetSubnetPrefixLen
- cimSatelliteInterface
- cimSatelliteIpAddress
- cimSatelliteSubnetPrefixLen
- cimSatelliteReceiveEnable
- cimSatelliteTransmitEnable
- cimSatelliteHdlcAddress1
- cimSatelliteHdlcAddress2
- cimSatelliteHdlcAddress3
- cimSatelliteHdlcAddress4
- cimRouteTable
- cimGlobalQosEnable
- cimIpRouteTable
- cimIpRouteEntry
- cimIpRouteIndex
- cimIpRouteName
- cimIpRouteDestAddress
- cimIpRouteDestMaskLen
- cimIpRouteNextHopAddress
- cimIpRouteMulticastOptions
- cimIpRouteMinQosBandwidth
- cimIpRouteMaxQosBandwidth
- cimIpRouteDesKey
- cimIpRouteRowStatus
- cimIpRoutePriority
- cimProtocols
- cimIgmpConfig
- cimIgmpTable
- cimIgmpEntry
- cimIgmpIndex
- cimIgmpTTL
- cimIgmpClientState
- cimIgmpSrc
- cimIgmpGroupIpAddress
- cimIgmpReceiver
- cimIgmpEnable
- cimIgmpQueryPeriod
- cimIgmpMaxRespTime
- cimIgmpMaxMissBeforeDrop
- cimIgmpTransmiter
- cimIgmpRecognizeQueries
- cimIgmpVersionUnsolicitedReports
- cimIgmpForceAlertOption
- cimIgmpUnsolicitedReportInterval
- cimArpConfig
- cimFlushArpTable
- cimArpTable
- cimArpEntry
- cimArpIndex
- cimArpIpAddress
- cimArpPhysAddress
- cimArpPhysType
- cimArpRowStatus
- cimRedundancy
- cimCurrentRedundantState
- cimLocalUnitManagementIpAddress
- cimRedundantUnitManagementIpAddress
- cimRedundantTrafficIpAddress
- cimRedundantTrafficSubnetMaskLen
- cimForceUnitOffline
- cimOperMaint
- cimAppVersion
- cimSaveConfiguration
- cimReset
- cimRemotePortBConfig
- cimRemotePortBDeviceAddress
- cimRemotePortBBaudRate
- cimRemotePortBFormat
- cimRemotePortBInterface
- cimStatistics
- cimSatelliteTransmitStatistics
- cimSatelliteTransmitTable
- cimSatelliteTransmitEntry
- cimSatelliteTransmitIndex
- cimSatelliteTransmitRouteName
- cimSatelliteTransmitTotalPacketsTransmitted
- cimSatelliteTransmitTotalPacketsDropped
- cimSatelliteTransmitMinDataRate
- cimSatelliteTransmitMaxDataRate
- cimSatelliteTransmitAvgDataRate
- cimIpRoutingStatistics
- cimUnicastIpPacketsToSatellite
- cimUnicastIpPacketsToEthernet
- cimMulticastIpPacketsToSatellite
- cimMulticastIpPacketsToEthernet
- cimBroadcastIpPacketsToSatellite
- cimBroadcastIpPacketsToEthernet
- cimPacketsFromSatellite
- cimTotalIpPacketsToSatellite
- cimTotalIpPacketsToEthernet
- cimIgmpPacketsReceived
- cim
- IpOptionPacketsReceived
- cimDroppedPacketsTotal
- cimDroppedPacketsTTLExpired
- cimDroppedPacketsBadIpHeader
- cimDroppedPacketsNoRoute
- cimDroppedPacketsMulticastNoStoe
- cimDroppedPacketsFiltered
- cimDroppedPacketsMulticastDisableGroup
- cimDroppedPacketsNoArpEntry
- cimDroppedPacketsBadBufferLength
- cimDroppedPacketsBadIpVersion
- cimDroppedPacketsMiscellaneous
- cimDroppedPacketsQos
- cimDroppedPacketsQosBuffers
- cimDroppedPacketsDroppedBuffers
- cimResetCounters
- CiM-550 MIB Tree
- CiM-550 MIB
- cim550
- cim550Objects
- cim550SystemInfo
- cim550EquipmentID
- cim550UnitSerialNumber
- cim550SoftwareRevision
- cim550DeviceTime
- cim550DeviceDate
- cim550CircuitID
- cim550LocalRemoteState
- cim550TxParameters
- cim550TxFrequency
- cim550TxDataRate
- cim550TxModType
- cim550TxFECType
- cim550TxFECCodeRate
- cim550TxSpecInv
- cim550TxScrambler
- cim550TxClockSource
- cim550TxPowerLevel
- cim550TxCarrierState
- cim550RxParameters
- cim550RxFrequency
- cim550RxDataRate
- cim550RxDemodType
- cim550RxFECType
- cim550RxFECCodeRate
- cim550RxSpecInv
- cim550RxDescrambler
- cim550RxClockMode
- cim550RxBufferSize
- cim550RxAcqSweepRange
- cim550RxEbnoAlarmPoint
- cim550InterfaceParameters
- cim550IfImpedance
- cim550InterfaceType
- cim550UtilityParameters
- cim550UnitFramingMode
- cim550EdmacAddress
- cim550UnitTestMode
- cim550RecenterBuffer
- cim550ForceRedundentSwitch
- cim550UnitAlarmMask
- cim550UnitConfigStore
- cim550UnitConfigLoad
- cim550OduCommEnable
- cim550AupcParameters
- cim550AupcEnable
- cim550AupcControlParameters
- cim550RemoteEbno
- cim550TxPowerLevelIncrease
- cim550StatusParameters
- cim550RxEbno
- cim550RxCoarseAGC
- cim550RxFrequencyOffset
- cim550BufferFillState
- cim550RxBER
- cim550RedundancyState
- cim550ModemUnitFaults
- cim550ModemTxTrafficFaults
- cim550ModemRxTrafficFaults
- cim550Logs
- cim550ClearEventsLog
- cim550NumberUnreadEvents
- cim550RetrieveNext5Events
- cim550SetStatisticInterval
- cim550ClearStatisticsLog
- cim550NumberUnreadStatistics
- cim550RetrieveNext5Statistics
- cim550Notifications
- cim550NotificationsPrefix
- cim550ModemUnitFaultsNotification
- cim550ModemTxTrafficFaultsNotification
- cim550ModemRxTrafficFaultsNotification
- oduObjects
- oduSelect
- oduSystemInfo
- oduModelNumberSoftwareVer
- oduUnitSerialNumber
- oduDeviceTime
- oduDeviceDate
- oduCircuitID
- oduUnitParameters
- oduUnitMuteMode
- oduUnitColdStart
- oduUnitAutoFaultRecovery
- oduUnitExtRefFaultLogic
- oduUnitRefOscAdjust
- oduUnitLNACurrentSource
- oduUnitLNACurrentWindow
- oduUnitLNAFaultLogic
- oduUnitRedundancyMode
- oduUnitRedForceSwitch
- oduTxParameters
- oduTxFrequency
- oduTxAttenuation
- oduTxAmplifier
- oduTxMute
- oduTxSlopeMode
- oduTxSlopeValue
- oduTxGainOffset
- oduRxParameters
- oduRxFrequency
- oduRxAttenuation
- oduRxMute
- oduRxSlopeMode
- oduRxSlopeValue
- oduRxGainOffset
- oduUnitStatus
- oduOnlineState
- oduMaintenanceParameters
- oduUnitFaults
- oduLogs
- oduClearEventsLog
- oduNumberUnreadEvents
- oduRetrieveNext5Events
- oduNotifications
- oduNotificationsPrefix
- oduUnitFaultsNotification
- 14 CiM IP Module Checkout and Fault Isolation
- Index
- Back Cover