Lennox Hearth WOOD-BURNING FIREPLACES EST-50* User Manual

Page 19

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optIonal EquIpmEnt


outside combustion air Kits

The installation of an outside combustion air kit

is highly recommended. It is very important to

ensure good fireplace operation in homes which

are tightly weather sealed or have ventilating

appliances installed.

Outside air drawn into the fireplace supplies air

to the fire for combustion. Only one combustion

air duct is necessary if installed.

Use combustion air kit, Model FOAK-4 or Model

FOAK-4LD, with the Estate Series fireplaces.

Refer to installation instructions packed with

the air kit for specific installation information.

The outside air kit must be installed before

the fireplace is framed and enclosed in the

finished walls.

Refer to the installation instruction packed with

each air kit for specific installation information.

The outside air kit, if used, must be installed

before the fireplace is totally framed and en-

closed within the finished walls.

Figure 44



EST-50 shown

(EST-36 and EST-42 on left side)

If additional length of duct is necessary, pur-

chase locally available U.L. Class 0 or Class 1

metallic duct. The duct may extend up to 50'

(15.24 m) in any direction.

Note: When installing the air duct vertically,

Do NOT terminate the duct closer than 3'

(914mm) below the chimney top. The maxi-

mum height for the outside air duct is 50 feet

above the hearth.

cautIon: nEVEr locatE InlEt WhErE

It can bE blocKEd by shrubs, snoW

drIfts, Etc. nEVEr locatE InlEt In

garagE or any arEa WhErE thErE Is

anothEr fuEl-burnIng applIancE or

products EmIttIng combustIblE gasEs

such as paInt, gasolInE, Etc., In cold

clImatEs It Is rEcommEndEd thE com-

bustIon aIr duct bE InsulatEd.

After completing the installation of the optional

combustion air vent system, the actuator arm

must be put in service and tested to ensure

proper operation before completing any enclo-

sure around the firebox. Failure to do so may

result in extensive and costly rework.

To operate, locate the hand operated shut-off

lever at the lower right side of the fireplace

opening behind the screen (refer to Figure

44). To open the air damper, turn upwards.

To close, turn down.

Operate the actuator through several cycles.

Ensuring proper operation and freedom of

movement. Return the actuator arm to the

closed position.

Outside combustion air ducting may be run

upwards or vertically through framing and

ceiling joists, with the hood installed through

an outside wall and 3' (914 mm) below the

termination. Ducting may also be run downward

through floor joists and under the home to a

ventilated crawlspace not considered part of

the living area of the home.

Note: Do NOT terminate combustion air kit in

attic space under any circumstances.

glass doors

If glass doors are to be installed on these

fireplaces, refer to specific installation instruc-

tions packed with the glass doors. Use only

the doors that are listed for use with these

fireplaces. Use of other non-listed glass door

on these fireplaces may constitute a potential

fire hazard and is not recommended.

cautIon: cErtaIn glass doors oVErlap

thE blacK mEtal facIng of thE fIrEplacE.

If thE fIrEplacE has bEEn facEd WIth

noncombustIblE matErIals, thErE

mIght not bE suffIcIEnt clEarancE

to Install thE glass doors of your

choIcE. EnsurE adEquatE clEarancE Is

maIntaInEd at all tImEs so as not to

IntErfErE WIth thE InstallatIon and

opEratIon of glass doors.

This manual is related to the following products: