Trigger points and exercises – Activeforever The Original Backnobber II User Manual

Page 16

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Trigger Points and Exercises


Deep muscle massage or trigger point therapy in all their variations,

combined with stretching, strengthening and resistance exercises, can

enhance and often reduce pain and restore range of motion

and over all function.

Stretching, especially after applying trigger point pressure, enhances the
effects of The Original Backnobber II tool. Stretching should not hurt. It
is normal to feel a pulling sensation when stretching, but stop if
painful symptoms develop or increase.

Strengthening exercises improve the condition of the muscles
and assist in preventing further injury. As the muscles
become stronger, they do not have to exert as much
energy to perform. As you become stronger,
you can tolerate more physical activity
and do more work without experiencing an
increase in stiffness, soreness, and fatigue.

Stretching and strengthening exercises should be executed in a slow,
consistent, comfortable manner. Begin with five to ten repetitions of each
exercise. Gradually increase the number of repetitions as physical well-
being improves. Consult your health care professional as needed.


Resistance exercise promotes
strengthening and toning and helps
to stretch muscles. Applying
resistance may be accomplished by
using the hands and legs or by
holding weights.
