Using the original backnobber ii tool – Activeforever The Original Backnobber II User Manual

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Using The Original Backnobber II Tool

Trigger points can occur in any muscle. Remember that every person is
unique, and that you are the best judge of your pain and discomfort.
Regular use of The Original Backnobber II tool can help you better
understand the source and nature of such problems and can be an
exceptionally valuable aid in your pursuit of a healthy, pain free lifestyle.
The guidelines listed below can be followed when using The Original
Backnobber II tool on any muscle in the body.


Isolate a trigger point by pressing firmly with your fingertips or The
Original Backnobber II tool over a specific part of the neck, shoulders,
upper, middle or lower back, buttocks or thighs.


When you feel a hard knot (like a lump) or soreness, apply pressure
to determine the level of tenderness in the area. Some sensation of
pain is to be expected from the pressure; although for many people, this

Experiment to determine a

tolerable level of pressure.


Once you have located the trigger
point and know how it feels,
you're ready to begin using The
Original Backnobber II tool. As
you become more accustomed to
detecting trigger points on your
body and how to apply pressure,
you can begin immediately with
The Original Backnobber

II tool

instead of performing the
preliminary search.


The Original Backnobber II tool
can be hooked over the shoulder
or under the arm. Apply direct, steady,
pressure to the trigger point in the muscle.



sensation is quite pleasurable and satisfying.

Pressure preferences vary widely among professionals and patients alike, but for
many, pressure can be effectivley applied for between 5 and 30 seconds. It often
takes time for muscles to begin to "trust" the pressure, so the first 20 seconds
may be a mere beginning. In general it is best to start slowly and gradually
increase pressure as desired following your own best intuition and feelings.
