What is a trigger point – Activeforever The Original Backnobber II User Manual

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What is a Trigger Point?

Tender spots in taut bands of muscles are referred to as "trigger points,"
according to Janet G. Travell, MD, a noted pioneer in the field of
myofascial pain and dysfunction. These tender spots may



in the affected muscle, produce additional tender spots or refer pain to
other muscles in the body.

Throughout our lifetimes, we
all experience some
muscle pain and discomfort. This
pain and tenderness may be a
direct result of injury or disease
or it may have occurred
following a strenuous sport
activity, or as a result
of lifting or repetitive work.
Whatever the cause, most
of us are susceptible to
trigger points in our muscles.

A trigger point may feel
like a hard "lump", knot
or band in the muscle.


you may experience
broad muscle soreness.
Applying pressure to the
muscle almost always
alleviates pain, even though
the pressure itself can be
somewhat uncomfortable
when applied. If you do not
experience immediate results,
try applying deeper pressure
for a longer time and to the muscles


Typical Trigger Point Locations

surrounding the most affected area.
Please note that the various diagrams throughout this book show only
common or typical trigger point locations. The exact sites of these areas of
soreness can vary widely from person to person

