Motherboard driver installation, D. netware 3.12 new installation – Asus CUR-DLSR User Manual

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ASUS CUR-DLSR User’s Manual


5. Motherboard Driver Installation

5. Driver Installation

Novell Netware

D. NetWare 3.12 New Installation

Since some old NetWare version cannot support *.HAM driver, the user must up-
grade the NetWare system with NWPA_UP patch before installing the *.HAM driver.

1. Create the DOS partition and/or install DOS from the Setup diskette.
2. Start the NetWare 3.12 installation. (i.e., D:\netware.312\english\install)
3. After NetWare installs the DOS portion of the software, enter DOWN and

EXIT to DOS from server prompt.


LSI_U3NW.DDI) from NetWare directory of LSI driver for NetWare diskette
to the C:\server.312 directory.

5. Download the NWPA_UP.EXE patch from the Novell Web site (http://

6. Change directory to c:\server.312, and copy the patch file NWPA_UP.EXE to

the directory.

7. Run NWPA_UP.EXE (note: this will create another file, 312PTD.EXE. An-

swer Y to the prompt to overwrite CDROM.NLM.)

8. Run the new created 312PTD.EXE. It will create the 312PTD directory and

copy files into this directory.

9. Create the directory c:\server.312\CDSAVE. Copy CDROM.NLM to


10. Update the server with the following command from the DOS prompt

cd c:\server.312\312ptd\native\loader
lswap loader.exe c:\server.312\server.exe

11. Create the file STARTUP.NCF in the c:\server.312 directory using EDIT or a

text editor with the following lines:

load c:\server.312\312PTD\native\start\npapatch
load c:\server.312\mmattrfx
load c:\server.312\nbi31x
load c:\server.312\ SYMHINW.HAM (or LSI_U3NW.HAM) Slot=10004
load c:\server.312\ SYMHINW.HAM (or LSI_U3NW.HAM) Slot=10005

12. Run SERVER.EXE to startup the server. Then, execute load Install under NetWare

command prompt . Create the NetWare partition, SYS volume, and mount the
SYS volume. Complete the installation of the System and Public Files.

search add 1 c:\server.312\cdsave
load cdrom

13. Create the Autoexec.NCF file. Add the following lines and save.

load after311
load c:\server.312\nwpaload
