Open timeout (testd.5) – Teledyne LeCroy SAS Sample Test Suite User Manual

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SAS Sample Test Suite

Connection Errors (Test Group D)


Open Timeout (TestD.5)
When a target attempts to open a connection to an initiator in order to send a frame, the initiator

is required to respond with OPEN_ACCEPT or some form of OPEN_REJECT within 1 ms. If no such

response is received, the target recognizes an Open timeout condition.

The target shall check the I_T Nexus Loss timer, and start it if it is not already started. If the timer

has already been started, it shall continue to run. See the next Connection Errors section for the

response to having the timer expire.

The target shall retry the connection request until it either receives OPEN_ACCEPT or the I_T Nexus

Loss timer expires.

Test Procedure:

1. The Testing Station is instructed to start and complete a phy Reset sequence followed by an

Identify sequence with the DUT. Since the DUT is a target, the Testing Station is instructed
to transmit an Identify Address frame indicating that it is an initiator.

2. The Testing Station is instructed to open an SSP connection to the DUT.
3. Wait for the DUT to transmit OPEN_ACCEPT and RRDY. The Testing Station is instructed to

transmit a SCSI INQUIRY command to the DUT then close the connection.

4. Wait for the DUT to open an SSP connection to the Testing Station. The Testing Station is

instructed not to respond the OPEN or any subsequent OPEN request.

Observable Results: Verify that the DUT re-transmits the OPEN request until I_T Nexus Loss

