Important, Caution – Mammoth V-Cube User Manual

Page 9

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7. Use tools (chains, chain blocks, 7. chain type come

along, etc.) connected to the side lifting lugs (at-
tached to the base) on both sides of the unit to pull
the second or next section to the first end section
evenly until both sections are ¼” [6.4 mm] apart on
the full joint perimeter as in Figure 6. Remove any
yellow side lifting lugs that interfere with the chains
for pulling sections together. When joining sections
together, always apply the pulling force to the lifting
lugs attached to the unit structural base, never to the
corner posts and pull uniformly from both sides of
the unit section.

8. With the sections pulled together, use the 3/8” x

2½” bolts, nuts and washers to secure the sections
together along the sides as in Figure 7. Start at the
bottom and gradually tighten all bolts to apply an
even load along both sides and along the top (not
at one place) until sections or gasket is compressed
within ¼” [6.4 mm].

Top of

of frame

Figure 5b: Install two horizontal polyvinyl gasket strips
along the base frame, one at the top and one at the
bottom of the base frame between the two vertical side
gasket strips so there is full contact between gasket strips
for air- and water-tightness.

Figure 5c: Install one horizontal polyvinyl gasket strip
along the top frame between the two vertical side gasket
strips so there is full contact between gasket strips for air-
and water-tightness.


Figure 5d: Where two or more internal air tunnels/cor-
ridors are present, install the gasket strips on the middle
internal horizontal and/or vertical partition(s)/divider(s),
between the perimeter gasket strips so there is full contact
between gasket strips for air- and water-tightness.


Tools supplied
by others

Figure 6: Use tools (chains, chain blocks, chain type come
along, etc.) hooked to the unit lifting lugs attached to the
structural base on both sides of the unit to pull the second
or next section to the first section evenly.


Unit sections must be drawn together using the lifting
lugs attached to the unit structural base only.


Do not use the vertical side casing framing or bolt holes
to pull sections together as this may cause the corner
posts to warp and break their air- and water-tight seal.


