Least-square solution (function lsq), Least-square solution (function lsq) ,11-24 – HP 50g Graphing Calculator User Manual

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Page 11-24

Press ` to return to the numerical solver environment. To check that the
solution is correct, try the following:

Press ——, to highlight the A: field.

Press L

@CALC@ `, to copy matrix A onto the stack.


@@@OK@@@ to return to the numerical solver environment.

Press ˜ ˜

@CALC@ `, to copy solution vector X onto the stack.


@@@OK@@@ to return to the numerical solver environment.

Press ` to return to the stack.

In ALG mode, the stack will now look like this:

Let’s store the latest result in a variable X, and the matrix into variable A, as

Press K~x` to store the solution vector into variable X
Press ƒ ƒ ƒ to clear three levels of the stack
Press K~a` to store the matrix into variable A

Now, let’s verify the solution by using:

@@@A@@@ * @@@X@@@ `, which results in the

vector [8.6917… -3.4109… -1.1301…], which is not equal to [15 5 22], the
original vector b. The “solution” is simply the point that is closest to the three
lines represented by the three equations in the system, and not an exact

Least-square solution (function LSQ)

The LSQ function returns the minimum-norm least-square solution of a linear
system Ax = b, according to the following criteria:
