1 the rtmc workspace, 2 single datalogger rtmc projects, 3 display components – Campbell Scientific RTDAQ Software User Manual

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Section 8. Real-Time Monitoring and Control Software

used as well; these should be placed in the media library directory to make
them available for RTMC's use.

8.1.1 The RTMC Workspace

The RTMC workspace is a container for holding one or more display screens.
As new display screens are added (Project | Add New Screen) they appear as
tabs in the project. The size of the workspace (and the resulting run-time
window) can be changed by selecting Project | Configure WorkSpace.

8.1.2 Single Datalogger RTMC Projects

RTDAQ connects to only one datalogger at any one time. Unlike RTMC in
LoggerNet, RTMC projects in RTDAQ may only reference one datalogger per
project. When creating a new project, the currently connected datalogger will
be used as the station for that project. If no datalogger is connected, the user
will be prompted to select one. Only one station can be used for specifying
table and column data to be displayed. The project will be saved with data
references to only one datalogger.

You may edit projects created with RTMC in LoggerNet that reference
multiple dataloggers. In such instances, only the data from the connected
datalogger will be updated. All other components relying on data from other
dataloggers will show the exclamation point marker indicating that no data is

8.1.3 Display Components

Display components are the objects that are used to display data. To add a
component to the workspace, click an item on the Component Toolbox and
then click anywhere in the workspace. The component’s Properties window
is automatically displayed when the object is first placed in the work area. The
Properties window is used to set colors, scale values, text, etc., and to assign
the data value to be displayed by the component.

When a display component is linked to a data value, the value
will be updated on the display at the table output rate if RTDAQ
is connected to the associated datalogger. If RTDAQ is not
connected to a datalogger, the values will not update and an
exclamation point will appear in the upper right corner of the
component to indicate the incomplete data connection.


After a component's properties have been set, select OK to enable the changes
and close the Properties window. Once the link to the data value has been
applied, if there is data available from RTDAQ for the component, the value
on the display will update.

To make changes in display component settings, the Properties window can
be opened by double-clicking the component. If you make changes to a
component’s properties but then decide to reject those changes, press the
Cancel button to return the properties to the last applied state. If Cancel is

