Maintenance, Table 7-1. troubleshooting procedures (continued) – AT&T Door Phone Controller User Manual

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Table 7-1. Troubleshooting Procedures (Continued)


Possible Cause

Possible Solution

Cannot open door remotely

Improper wiring to existing door

Verify all connections when

using either Remote Door

strike device. May be caused

connecting the door strike

Open Button or the Door

by improper connection and use

contacts on the AT&T Door


of NO (Normally-Open), NC

Phone Controller to existing

(Normally Closed), and C

door open buttons. Make sure

(Common) door latch relay

of the following:

contacts, especially when

interfacing these contacts to

1. The NO and C contacts

existing door configurations.

are connected in parallel to a
normally-open button.

2. The NC and C contacts

are connected in series to a
normally-open button.

Selected options are not

Incorrect or inappropriate values

Use Verify mode to confirm

operating as expected

were entered.

selected options without
changing the values.

Carefully consider the
“consequences” of options



Periodic maintenance is not required.

Units requiring repair are returned to AT&T for service.

7-4 Troubleshooting and Maintenance
