4 carry out fault quitting, Carry out fault quitting – Festo Кабели и принадлежности User Manual

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4. Commissioning


Festo P.BE−SPC200−COM−PDP−E N en 0901c

4.7.4 Carry out fault quitting

When serious faults have been quitted, the SPC200 performs
the initialization and self test of the connected modules. This
initialization phase can take a certain amount of time, deĆ
pending on the equipment fitted on the system (max. 10 s).

Please note
During this initialization phase no further rising edge may
be generated at the START/RESET input.

When a fault has been quitted, there may still be other faults
(e.g. hardware faults). Fault quitting should in this case be
repeated up to three times (see sequence plan Fault quitĆ
ting"). If, after this, the SPC200 is still not ready to operate
(READY signal = 0), the fault cannot be quitted, as the cause
of the fault must be quitted first.

A diagnosis can be carried out with WinPISA or with the conĆ
trol panel.

When the load voltage supply is switched off (e.g. after
Emergency stop), an appropriate fault message is generated.
When the load voltage is switched on again, you must wait 1
second until the fault is quitted (see Fig. 4/15 Creating the
readiness to operate).

The following signals must be present at the controller inputs
before faults can be quitted:

This manual is related to the following products: