Kramer protocol 2000 – Kramer Electronics VP-8x4 User Manual

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Kramer Protocol 2000


NOTE 3 - SETUP # 0 is the present setting. SETUP # 1 and higher are the settings saved in the switcher's memory, (i.e. those

used for Store and Recall).

NOTE 4 - The reply to a "REQUEST" instruction is as follows: the same instruction and INPUT codes as were sent are

returned, and the OUTPUT is assigned the value of the requested parameter. The replies to instructions 10 and 11 are as per

the definitions in instructions 7 and 8 respectively. For example, if the present status of machine number 5 is breakaway

setting, then the reply to the HEX code





would be HEX codes





NOTE 8 - The reply is as in TYPE 3 above, except that here the OUTPUT is assigned with the value 0 if the setup is not

defined / no valid input is detected; or 1 if it is defined / valid input is detected.

NOTE 9 - An error code is returned to the PC if an invalid instruction code was sent to the switcher, or if a parameter

associated with the instruction is out of range (e.g. trying to save to a setup greater than the highest one, or trying to switch an

input or output greater than the highest one defined). This code is also returned to the PC if an RS-232 instruction is sent

while the machine is being programmed via the front panel. Reception of this code by the switcher is not valid.

NOTE 12 - Under normal conditions, the machine's present status is saved each time a change is made. The "power-down"

save (auto-save) may be disabled using this code. Note that whenever the machine is turned on, the auto-save function is set.

NOTE 13 - This is a request to identify the switcher/s in the system. If the OUTPUT is set as 0, and the INPUT is set as 1, 2,

5 or 7, the machine will send its name. The reply is the decimal value of the INPUT and OUTPUT. For example, for a 2216,

the reply to the request to send the audio machine name would be (HEX codes):




81 (i.e. 128dec+ 22dec for 2nd byte, and 128dec+ 16dec for 3rd byte).

If the request for identification is sent with the INPUT set as 3 or 4, the appropriate machine will send its software version

number. Again, the reply would be the decimal value of the INPUT and OUTPUT - the INPUT representing the number in

front of the decimal point, and the OUTPUT representing the number after it. For example, for version 3.5, the reply to the

request to send the version number would be (HEX codes):




81 (i.e. 128dec+ 3dec for 2nd byte, 128dec+ 5dec for 3rd byte).

If the OUTPUT is set as 1, then the ASCII coding of the lettering following the machine’s name is sent. For example, for the

VS-7588YC, the reply to the request to send the first suffix would be (HEX codes):




81 (i.e. 128dec+ ASCII for “ Y” ; 128dec+ ASCII for “ C” ).

NOTE 14 - The number of inputs and outputs refers to the specific machine which is being addressed, not to the system. For

example, if six 16X16 matrices are configured to make a 48X32 system (48 inputs, 32 outputs), the reply to the HEX code




82 (ie. request the number of outputs)

would be HEX codes





ie. 16 outputs

NOTE 15 – When the OVR bit (4th byte) is set, then the “ video” commands have universal meaning. For example, instruction

1 (SWITCH VIDEO) will cause all units (including audio, data, etc.) to switch. Similarly, if a machine is in “ FOLLOW”

mode, it will perform any “ video” instruction.

NOTE 16 - The reply to the “ REQUEST WHETHER PANEL IS LOCKED” is as in NOTE 4 above, except that here the

OUTPUT is assigned with the value 0 if the panel is unlocked, or 1 if it is locked.

NOTE 25 – For units which detect the validity of the video inputs, Instruction 16 will be sent whenever the unit detects a

change in the state of an input (in real-time).

For example, if input 3 is detected as invalid, the unit will send the HEX codes





If input 7 is detected as valid, then the unit will send HEX codes




