18 re-size and centering for cylindrical warping, Re-size and centering for cylindrical warping, Configurator, warp user interface – Barco R5976924 User Manual

Page 209: Start up a preview via the context menu, What can be done

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13. Configurator, Warp User Interface

Start up a preview via the context menu

1. Right click on the grid. (image 13-28)

The context menu opens.

2. Select Fast Preview and move the mouse pointer to the right.

3. Select Fast Preview.

The current warping configuration is sent to the warping board.

Image 13-28
Start Fast preview

Some node settings can bring the warping board in error status. Use the recovery menu
item to recover the board.

13.18 Re-size and centering for cylindrical warping

What can be done ?

The cylindrical preview can be re-sized and centered on the projected image.

During the centering, a small misalignment of 1 or 2 pixels is still possible due to round off mistakes in the




Image 13-29
Re-size and centering

1 original image
2 Screen
3 Re-sized and centered image

R5976924 PROJECTOR TOOLSET 16/04/2009

