19 recover warping board, 20 preferences, 1 background of the grid – Barco R5976924 User Manual

Page 210: 19 recover warping board 13.20 preferences, Recover warping board, Preferences

background image

13. Configurator, Warp User Interface

How to re-size and center

1. While in preview mode, click on the re-size and center icon of the Cylindrical warping menu. (im-

age 13-30)

The image is re-sized on the projection area and sized in the middle of this area.

Image 13-30
Re-sizing and centering

13.19 Recover warping board

What can be done ?

Due to sending a warping configuration with errors via the fast preview to the warping board of a device,
it is possible that the warping board crashes. The recovery operation starts by clearing the sent configu-
ration and by sending a normal hatch pattern. Then the warping board is restarted.

How to recover

1. Right click on the grid. (image 13-31)

The context menu opens.

2. Select Fast Preview and move the mouse pointer to the right.

3. Select Recover from Warp board crash.

Image 13-31

13.20 Preferences

13.20.1 Background of the grid

What can be done ?

The background of the grid can be changed between:


R5976924 PROJECTOR TOOLSET 16/04/2009
