2 main screen – Lenze IM94MV01C User Manual

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1.2 Main Screen

The user interface or Motion View main screen consists of 3 main panels: the Node Tree, the List View, and the Message Window
as illustrated in Figure .

Figure 2: MotionView Screen

1.2.1 Node Tree

Drives and Parameter files appear in the Node Tree on the left hand side of the screen. The Drive and Parameter files contain sub
folders (denoted by a + symbol) with parameter groups and different tools needed to work with the selected Drive (Parameter
file). Drive and Parameter Files appear almost identical in the Node Tree and both operate in the same way. The main difference
is that Drive files can have a connection and parameter files cannot. To expand a folder to view it’s subfolders double-click on
the [+] symbol next to it. To collapse a folder double-click on the [-] symbol next to it.

1.2.2 List View

The right panel of the MotionView main screen is called the List View. When you click on a Node Tree file or sub-folder, the
parameters belonging to this group are displayed in the List View. Every parameter can be viewed in detail; its current value,
units and min and max values. When one navigates through the node tree, information in the list view changes automatically
in sync with the node tree selection.

1.2.3 Message Window

The bottom or footer section of the MotionView main screen is called the Message Window. The Message Window gives informa-
tion about communication status and supplies various information to make troubleshooting easier. To clear the message in the
Message Window, double-click the message and then right click to reveal the [Clear] button. Click [Clear].



