7 appendix, 1 target systems, Appendix – Lenze Cam Designer Professional User Manual

Page 47: Cam designer professional, 7appendix

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3.0 EN - 08/2005


Cam Designer Professional


Target systems




Target systems

Main features of the Software Package - Cam

48 profiles can be stored in the PLC

289 base points per profile in the relative data model

116 base points per profile the absolute data model

Increased number of the available base points with reduced number of profiles re-


48 cam groups can be stored

Three tracks per cam group

Four cams per track

Main features of the 9300EK servo cam

8 profiles can be stored

256 base points per profile in the relative data model

64 base points per profile the absolute data model

The »Cam Manager« which is included in the »Cam Designer Professional«, reflects the

view on the machine and is the central input place for machine constants and profile data.
The »Cam Manager« helps you to create the minimum system by dialog boxes described in

detail. The Cam Manager serves to add and delete the tools and product data.
