A - toolbars, paletts, and the status bar, A.1 about the standard toolbar, Appendix a – Rockwell Automation AutoMax Enhanced Ladder Editor User Manual

Page 69: Toolbars, palettes, and the status bar

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Appendix A

Toolbars, Palettes, and the Status Bar


About the Standard Toolbar

The Standard toolbar contains shortcut buttons to many menu commands, such

as cut, copy, paste, save, and print. It is located by default at the top edge of the

program window, but you can move it to another location. By pausing the

pointer over a toolbar button, you can display a brief description of the button.
You can choose to display or hide the toolbar by choosing Toolbars/Palettes

from the View menu and selecting or deselecting Standard.

As a shortcut for:

Click this button:

Opening a program

Saving a program

Printing a program

Cutting an object

Copying an object

Pasting an object

Finding a variable or instruction

Verifying a program

Listing program variables and properties (Variable List)

Changing the display size of a program (Zoom)

Connecting online to a Processor

Accepting changes to an online program
