Analyzing datausing a standard curve, Analyzing data using a standard curve – Bio-Rad Microplate Manager Software User Manual

Page 40

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Analyzing Data Using a Standard Curve


Analyzing Data
Using a Standard Curve

The standard curve is a plot of the concentration of the standards you have
designated in the template (on the x axis) versus the readings from the instrument (in
OD units for an endpoint experiment (on the y axis).

Microplate Manager 6 provides the following types of curve fit options:

• Linear
• Zero-intercept Linear
• Semi-Log
• Log-Log
• Quadratic
• Log-Logit
• 4-Parameters
• 5-Parameters
• Cubic Spline
• Point-to-Point

To perform a curve fit and display the curve fit
plot on the screen click on the Curve Fit Plot
icon and select the desired curve fit by clicking on the
Choose Fitting Function icon.

If a transformation has been applied to the template, then
the values plotted in the standard curve will be the
transformed values.

The mean value of the replicates of the standards, and not
the individual values, are used in the calculation of the
standard curve.
