1 local times and coordinated universal time, 2 sample soap message – Echelon i.LON 100 e2 Internet Server User Manual

Page 84

background image Local Times and Coordinated Universal Time

The timestamps for the <UCPTstart> and <UCPTstop> properties conform to the ISO 8601
standard. They are expressed in local time, with appended time zone indicators that show

the relationship to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC ).
UTC is an international time standard and is the current term for what was commonly
referred to as Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT). Zero (0) hours UTC is midnight in

Greenwich England, which lies on the zero longitudinal meridian. Universal time is based on

a 24 hour clock, therefore, afternoon hours such as 4 pm UTC are expressed as 16:00 UTC.
The timestamp uses the following format:
The first segment of the timestamp [YYYY-MM-DD] represents the date. The second
segment (T[HH:MM:SS.MSS]) of the timestamp represents the local time, expressed in

hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.
The third segment of the timestamp (+/-[HH:MM]) represents the difference between the
local time listed in the second segment and UTC. This segment begins with a + or a -. The +

indicates that the local time is ahead of UTC, and the - indicates the local time is behind
UTC. Consider the following example:
This timestamp indicates a local date and time of 10:24 AM and 37.111 seconds, on August
13, 2002. Because the third part of the segment reads +02:00, we know the local time here is

2 hours ahead of UTC. Sample SOAP Message

The following example returns a list of up to three log entries made by the Data Logger with
index number 2 between 10/27/2002 02:00 and 11/228/2002 14:30:00 for the

NVL_nviDlCount2 data point.

<Data> Parameter







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