Lesson 3 soldering health and safety – Vectronics VEC-1500K User Manual

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Lesson 3 Soldering Health and Safety

1. A bucket of bricks falling from a 10-story roof is an/a


_____________ workplace hazard.

2. Cancer-causing fumes leaking from a chemical tank is an/a (acute/chronic)

_______________ workplace hazard.

3. Accidental skin contact with a hot iron is the most common type of


__________________ injury associated with soldering.

4. The best first-aid treatment for a burn to the skin is to apply (A.) cold water,

(B.) ointment, (C.) heavy bandage, (D.) hydrogen peroxide. [ ]

5. Obtain follow-up medical attention for burns that blister or break the skin to

prevent the formation of a bacterial ________________ .

6. A second type of acute injury, called _______________________, might be

caused by a faulty electrical cord on a soldering iron.

7. Exposure to small amounts of lead from handling solder wire over a long

period of time represents a/an (chronic/acute) _________________ health

8. When soldering, the best way to avoid ingesting lead is to

________________ your __________________ prior to eating or smoking.

9. Flux fumes may cause asthma-like symptoms and chronic throat irritation.

To reduce exposure, (A.) install a ventilation system, (B.) install a
portable air cleaner, (C.) blow air from a small fan across the work area,
(D.) any of the above. [ ]

10. The EPA requires that every chemical in your work area should be

accompanied by a data sheet called a ___________ (four letters). This
presents important information you need to know concerning potential
hazards, first aid, and emergency spill response.
