Energizer 715 User Manual

Page 182

background image



BG (blood glucose),

definition xvii

block feature,

definition xviii
turning on 119

BLOCK OPTION screen 119
blood glucose (BG) target range,

mg/dL 144
mmol/L 144

blood glucose (BG) target warnings,

lower limit 144
upper limit 144

blood glucose (BG) targets,

maximum number of 144

blood glucose meter data,

and Carelink™ 4
downloading 4

bolus xviii
bolus deliveries,

history of 29
viewing details on 30

bolus delivery specifications,

amount of fluid delivered per

pump stroke 144

amount of insulin delivered per

pump stroke 144

time between pump strokes 144
units delivered per minute 144

bolus delivery stopped, what to do


BOLUS HISTORY screen xviii
bolus insulin delivery,

basic types 24
Dual Wave bolus (manually) 84
Dual Wave bolus (using Bolus

Wizard feature) 89

maximum limit 31
normal bolus (using Easy Bolus

feature) 92

normal type,

described 24
procedure (Express Bolus

feature) 24

procedure (menu) 24

Square Wave bolus (manually) 84
Square Wave bolus (using Bolus

Wizard feature) 89

stopping 39

Dual Wave 83
normal 83
Square Wave 83

Bolus menu,

described 19
factory settings 154

Bolus Wizard feature,

"Bolus Wizard is off" message 72
"Bolus Wizard setup is complete"

message 72

"Missing info" message 72
definition xviii
estimate details 30
How it works 62
information about 59
information needed to use 59
maximum bolus limit 63
on/off 66
review settings 73

BG units 60
Carb ratios 60
Carb units 60
Insulin sensitivity 60

specifications 150
What is it? 59
your blood glucose (BG) reading


your personal settings 59

Bolus Wizard feature, examples 152
Bolus Wizard feature, specifications



ACT 14
Down 14
Easy Bolus 14
ESC 14
Express Bolus 14
Up 14


can’t get out of the priming loop,

what to do 131

carb ratio xviii
carb ratios,

calculating meal boluses xxiv
maximum number of settings 144
range (grams/u) 144
range (units/exch) 144
using exchanges as Carb units 67
using grams as Carb units 67
warning limits (grams/u) 144
warning limits (u/exch) 144

carb units,

definition xviii
food entry range (exchanges) 144
food entry range (grams) 144
information about 67
setting 67

CH (Carbohydrate) xviii
CHECK BG message 32
check settings alarm, what to do 130
child block feature 119
cleaning your pump 142
clearing factory settings 125
correction bolus factor xviii

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