Library powers up with drive faults, Library powers up with screen blank – Spectra Logic 10000 User Manual

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Chapter 7. Troubleshooting


Library powers up with drive faults

If the library powers up, but registers faults on installed drives, touch one of the drive
buttons showing a fault to see a detailed display of error information.

If the error described is No response from SCSI target:


Check all SCSI cables and terminators on the library and host. All cables and
terminators must be of the correct type, termination, and pinout, and the
connections must be tight.


Check if the library SCSI IDs are properly configured. The library is shipped
with SCSI Bus 2 inactive, regardless of how many drives are installed. If three or
four drives are installed and the SCSI Bus 2 ID is not configured, Drives 3 and 4
will display faults when the library is powered up. If you are using SCSI Bus 2,
ensure that it has a unique SCSI ID.

Library powers up with screen blank

Check the library rear panel to see if one of the fuse lights is lit. If a fuse is blown, the
appropriate light illuminates for each of the three library fuses.

Replacing a Fuse:


Turn the library off and remove the power connection.


To remove the library cover, use a flat head screwdriver to remove the three
library cover screws on the rear of the library.

Figure 7-1 Remove the three cover screws.
