4 universal serial bus, 5 sub-isa bus interface – AMD Geode SC1201 User Manual

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AMD Geode™ SC1200/SC1201 Processor Data Book


Core Logic Module



Universal Serial Bus

The Core Logic module provides three complete, indepen-
dent USB ports. Each port has a Data “Negative” and a
Data “Positive” signal.

The USB ports are Open Host Controller Interface (Open-
HCI) compliant. The OpenHCI specification provides a reg-
ister-level description for a host controller, as well as
common industry hardware/software interface and drivers.


Sub-ISA Bus Interface

The Sub-ISA interface of the Core Logic module is an ISA-
like bus interface that is used by SC1200/SC1201 proces-
sor to interface with Boot Flash, M-Systems DiskOnChip or
NAND EEPROM and other I/O devices. The Core Logic
module is the default subtractive decoding agent and for-
wards all unclaimed memory and I/O cycles to the ISA bus.
However, the Core Logic module can be configured to
ignore either I/O, memory, or all unclaimed cycles (subtrac-
tive decode disabled).


The external Sub-ISA bus is a positive decode bus.
Unclaimed memory and I/O cycles will not appear
on the Sub-ISA interface.

The Core Logic module does not support Sub-ISA refresh
cycles. The refresh toggle bit in Port B still exists for soft-
ware compatibility reasons.

The Sub-ISA interface includes the followings signals in
addition to the signals used for an ISA interface:


— Asserted on I/O read/write transactions from/to a

programmable address range.


— Asserted on memory read/write transactions from/to

a programmable window.


— Asserted on memory read/write to upper 16 MB of

address space. Configurable via the ROM Mask
register (F0 Index 6Ch).


— DOCR# is asserted on memory read transactions

from DOCCS# window (i.e., when both DOCCS# and
MEMR# are active, DOCR# is active; otherwise, it is


— DOCW# is asserted on memory write transactions to

DOCCS# window (i.e., when both DOCCS# and
MEMW# are active, DOCW# is active; otherwise, it is

RD#, WR#

— The signals IOR#, IOW#, MEMR#, and MEMW# are

combined into two signals: RD# is asserted on I/O
read or memory read; WR# is asserted on I/O write
or memory write.

Memory devices that use ROMCS# or DOCCS# as their
chip select signal can be configured to support an 8-bit or
16-bit data bus via bits 3 and 6 of the MCR register. Such
devices can also be configured as zero wait states devices
(regardless of the data bus width) via bits 9 and 10 of the
MCR register. For MCR register bit descriptions, see Table
4-2 on page 72

I/O peripherals that use IOCS0# or IOCS1# as their chip
select signal can be configured to support an 8-bit or 16-bit
data bus via bits 7 and 8 of the MCR register. Such devices
can also be configured as zero wait state devices (for 8-bit
peripherals) via bits 11 and 12 of the MCR register. For
MCR register bit descriptions, see Table 4-2 on page 72.

Other memory devices and I/O peripherals must be 8-bit
devices; their transactions can not be with zero wait states

The Boot Flash supported by the SC1200/SC1201 proces-
sor can be up to 16 MB. It is supported with the ROMCS#

All unclaimed memory and I/O cycles are forwarded to the
Internal ISA bus if subtractive decode is enabled.

The DiskOnChip chip select signal (DOCCS#) is asserted
on any memory read or memory write transaction from/to a
programmable address range. The address range is pro-
grammable via the DOCCS# Base Address and Control
registers (F0 Index 78h and 7Ch). The base address must
be on an address boundary, the size of the range.

Signal DOCCS# can also be used to interface to NAND
Flash devices together with signals DOCW# and DOCR#.
See application note AMD Geode™ SC1200/SC2200/
SC3200 Processors: External NAND Flash Memory Circuit
for details.

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