2 vip support registers - f4bar2, Table 7-10, F4bar2+memory offset: vip configuration registers – AMD Geode SC1201 User Manual

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AMD Geode™ SC1200/SC1201 Processor Data Book


Video Processor Module - Video Processor Registers - Function 4


VIP Support Registers - F4BAR2

F4 Index 18h, Base Address Register 2 (F4BAR2) points to
the base address of where the VIP Configuration registers

are located. Table 7-10 shows the memory mapped VIP
support registers accessed through F4BAR2.

Table 7-10. F4BAR2+Memory Offset: VIP Configuration Registers



Offset 00h-03h

Video Interface Port Configuration Register (R/W)

Reset Value: 00000000h


Reserved. Must be set to 0.


VIP FIFO Bus Request Threshold. VIP FIFO issues a bus request when it is filled with 32 or 64 bytes.

0: 64 bytes.

1: 32 bytes


VBI Task B Store to Memory. When this bit is enabled, Raw VBI task B data is stored to memory.

0: Disable.

1: Enable.

This bit is relevant only if bit 18 (VBI Configuration Override) = 1 (enabled).


VBI Task A Store to Memory. When this bit is enabled, Raw VBI task A data is stored to memory.

0: Disable.

1: Enable.

This bit is relevant only if bit 18 (VBI Configuration Override) = 1 (enabled).


VBI Ancillary Store to Memory. When this bit is enabled, Raw VBI Ancillary data is stored to memory.

0: Disable.

1: Enable.

This bit is relevant only if bit 18 (VBI Configuration Override) = 1 (enabled).


VBI Configuration Override. When this bit is enabled, bits [21:19] override the setup specified in bits 17 and 16.

0: Disable.

1: Enable.


VBI Data Task. Specifies the CCIR-656 video stream task used to store raw VBI data to memory.

0: Task B.

1: Task A.

This bit is relevant only if bit 16 (VBI Mode for CCIR-656) = 1 and bit 18 (VBI Configuration Override) = 0 (disabled).


VBI Mode for CCIR-656. Specifies the mode in which to store VBI data to memory.

0: Use CCIR-656 ancillary data to store VBI data to memory.

1: Use CCIR-656 video task A or B to store VBI data to memory, depending on the value of bit 17 (VBI Task).

This bit is only used if bit 18 (VBI Configuration Override) = 0 (disabled).


Reserved. Set to 0.


Video Input Port Mode. Selects VIP operating mode.

10: CCIR-656 mode.

All other decodes: Reserved.

Offset 04h-07h

Video Interface Control Register (R/W)

Reset Value: 00000000h


Reserved. Must be set to 0.


Line Interrupt. When asserted, allows interrupt (INTC#) generation when the Video Current Line register (F4BAR2+ Mem-
ory Offset 10h) contents equal the Video Line Target Register (F4BAR2+ Memory Offset 14h) contents.

0: Disable.

1: Enable.


Field Interrupt. When asserted, allows interrupt (INTC#) generation at the end of a field (i.e., the end of active video for the
current field). Interrupt generation can be enabled regardless of whether or not video capture (store to memory) is enabled.

0: Disable.

1: Enable.


Reserved. Must be set to 0.

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