CIRCUTOR PowerStudio Series User Manual

Page 12

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PowerStudio PowerStudio

12 User Manual

On the next screen we can select the module or modules to be installed. You must only select

the components that are required for the selected topology. (See section 1.1 PowerStudio topologies
for further explanation).

Components selection

If the installation detects that you have already installed a previous version of PowerStudio, it will

allow you to make a backup copy of the configuration before you update to the current version.

If you wish to make a backup copy, the ‘Backup’ directory will be created within the directory

where you are installing PowerStudio and the old configuration will be backed up. If you do not wish to
make a backup copy, the old configuration will be lost.

After having updated the configuration, if there is an old version installed and the installation has

been completed, a dialogue will appear reporting that the installation was correctly completed.
